Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lomeglumiere # 033 "rooftop I"

click to play in Quicktime / mpeg-4 video for iPod / direct streaming at
A Lumierevideo by moi featuring a shot from under a rooftop at the rooftop during Risør, Norway - 2008.07.16. Time lag provides the camera with the necessary subjectivity... Principles; fixed camera, handhold, no audio, no zoom, no effects and going on for exactly 37'' (42'' with credits).
moi: lumierevideo 033 for - 42''


Gurdonark said...

I remember as a boy being very interested in the "seeing" things "swimming" in my field of vision when my eyes were closed. My rough understanding now is that I could see little particles of dust between eye and lid, which, in the right light, looked like things floating in mid-air.

Yet now I must revise my theory, for this lumiere suggests to me that instead my closed eyes gazed on the roof to eternity, had I but understood the importance of the images in stop-motion fashion.

Very nice film.

LOMEG_ROM said...

I have registered those particles too, - kind of reminds one that we are part of the universe.