Thursday, September 04, 2008

Gone By-Lines and Sound Seasons

Video thumbnail. Click to play
click to play in Quicktime / mpeg-4 video for iPod / direct streaming at
A short experimental docu-voodle by moi featuring a beauteous sentimental view on an outdoor by-line now gone. Summer spare-time's over in Oslo, Norway - 2008.07.03. View the open and free summer-purview full of potential and quiet but sound promises of 'small things said (and unsaid) - the later also beautifully pronounced by the black sun laboratories (
moi: video 046 for - 1'53''

Lomeglumiere # 039 "lonesome avocation"

click to play in Quicktime / mpeg-4 video for iPod / direct streaming at
A Lumierevideo by bk featuring a glance at a window typical for Oslo Norway - 2008.08.27 until desember 23th - and the season we just entered. Summer's gone - welcome atumn, welcome lonesome dejected avocation... Some of us run into it, others stay in it, the rest runs away from it. Principles; fixed camera, tripod, no audio, no zoom, no effects and going on for exactly 60'' (65'' with credits).
b.k.: lumierevideo 039 for lomeg-rom.blogspot. com - 65''