Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, December 04, 2009
Lumiere Diptychs
b.k.: lumierevideo 078 (QuickTime / mpeg-4 / flash / - 65''
b.k.: lumierevideo 079 (QuickTime / mpeg-4 / flash / - 40''
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov), MPEG-4 Video (.m4v), Flash Video (.flv)
Thursday, December 03, 2009
The Golem Diptych Video Painting
Monday, November 30, 2009
The Edging of a Kind
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Drawing no.1 (Excerpt/Trailer)
click to play a short trailer in QuickTime - (moi and b.k. - all rights reserved)
An immobile camera frames two young women under a meeting. Unaware that they are filmed, the women are shown in deep concentration while they take notes and listen or respond to other, mostly invisible, participants. As viewers of the video we are not invited to participate in the meeting. Neither are we told about its content and remain 'completely outside' of the happening.
The women are shot from a low angle sitting at a table. Faces turned away from the camera we’re nevertheless able to recognize their features. The utmost attentiveness they signal is fascinating and the subtle body language that unfolds in front of us soon captures us. The drama reaches its first peak when they start to interact with an invisible person who is sitting next to the camera… and the women turn their faces towards us…
‘Drawing #1’ is a digitally enhanced video documentary on the issues of observing body and space morphologies. The role of the spectator is given but arguably not the one of the ‘voyeur’. Rather then the hidden and forbidden view, it presents us - not unlike the films of the Lumière Brothers - with a naive cinematic perspective on the phenomena of everyday life, only in this case it’s about the complete immersion of two Bergman-repertory like ‘protagonists’.
moi & b.k.: video 080 for lomeg-rom.blogspot com - 4'02'' (trailer, 520/390)
the soundtrack for this trailer is an AIR_LOMEG re-mix of Ugly By Now's "You Look Hot" (
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
DoubleClick: The Construct and Sound Motility
Monday, October 19, 2009
On the Problems of Narration and Who to Blame
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
On Silence Await and Concentration Sought
Sunday, August 30, 2009
On Nymphs and Feminine Attributes

b.k.: video 076 for - 8'21''
Appendix - viewer discretion:
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov), MPEG-4 Video (.m4v), Flash Video (.flv)
Thursday, July 09, 2009
A Grainy Overview on Joints and Junctions
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Come Down; A Road-Voodle About Cloudburst
Lomeglumiere # 075 "after the come down"
Thursday, July 02, 2009
On Moving Illumination and Distracted Outlooks
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Oneiric Views and Sceneries; A Moving Diptych
Miniature in Venice; Floating Passages
Friday, May 29, 2009
On The Search Of The Matter That Contains ---- A Lumierepost Taking Measurement On China
Friday, May 22, 2009
Miniature; Lost in Rotterdam
Saturday, May 16, 2009
On Burnouts And Architecture That Must Blaze
Coop Himmelblau; Architecture Is Now.
Viewer discretion
with respect for the loss of life
Monday, May 11, 2009
Miniature in Beijing; A Road-Voodle
Lomeglumieres # 067, 068, 069 "after dawn, noon, sunset"
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Still Spring Goes Late Mnemonic
Lomeglumieres # 064, 065, 066 "spring still I-III"
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
imm, em and ab
Lomeglumiere # 063 "cant"
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Histoire d'
Monday, April 13, 2009
L'air Immobile

click to play in Quicktime / mpeg-4 video for iPod / or direct streaming at
A short experimental voodle-voodle daydreaming on body and space morphologies of the common sort... pondering about why the results of all sportive events never are quite the same although the participants do practice year in / year out, day by day... wondering why some things move and some never do... why it is that air can stand still while heavy wind-casts are causing a headache... Immobile air is nothing to write home about - it's home as it was captured in Khur, Switzerland - 2009.04.09 at 11:59:00 until short after the 12:00:00 train passed by. Before the final is decided - AIR LOMEG want to express their gratitude for the runaway! Spoken words recorded by AIR_LOMEG on location, soundtrack overlay 'L'air immobile' by Anchor Méjans (search for more of this on