"A Thick Complementary Adjustment"
(Anonymous quote on 'DoubleClick')
A short experimental lunch-break-voodle featuring most certainly the major properties of a(ny) construct: it moves and can be moved. View the actuated motive moving imagery not entirely like it was captured in NYC/USA - 2009.09.23 - and reflect on the sound accompany of bradstanfields 'peacearoundtheworld_click_120bpm.mp3'. Double Click on the frozen frame and you'll understand what it is that sets the boundaries for all movement...
b.k.: video 079 for lomeg-rom.blogspot.com - 2'40''
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov), Flash Video (.flv), MPEG-4 Video (.m4v)
very nice, moving squeeze-frame-tick-combo
yes, I like it too, but it's too long. again, this voodle is just another blind edit of some moving documentary. our mutual friend over here (who made the quote on 'DoubleClick') insisted in the idea of keeping it the way it is and thought it would be a failure to cut the clip... anyway, i might likewise cut out the zoom-part... one day :)
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