Thursday, July 09, 2009

A Grainy Overview on Joints and Junctions

Video thumbnail. Click to play
click to play in Quicktime / mpeg-4 video for iPod / or direct streaming at
A short docu voodle featuring a grainy overview of the megacity that was chosen as joint European Capital of Culture for 2010. A short trip to the Bosphorus brought not only a meeting between two continents but a moving view on Byzantium, Constantinople, Stamboul, Augusta Antonina and New Rome captured in Istanbul - 2009.06.24. View the vertiginous joints and junctions with Neurowaxx' 'disconnect' mashed over altered recordings from the location.
b.k.: video 075 for - 3'49''

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Come Down; A Road-Voodle About Cloudburst

Video thumbnail. Click to play
click to play in Quicktime / mpeg-4 video for iPod / or direct streaming at
A not so short docu-voodle featuring a long-take shot just right before and (literally) under a cloudburst captured in Oslo, Norway - 2009.07.03 between 7:28:22pm and 7:39:28pm. View the road-movie about the pelting inferno of the northern sky accompanied by the wonderful ambient environment 'eSSEN10' by ccmixter's Zikweb. If you'd prefer to view the sky as a place of complete bliss, delight and peace, please have a look at the previous posted lumiere shot after it all came down.
moi and b.k.: video 074 for - 11'03''

Lomeglumiere # 075 "after the come down"

click to play in Quicktime / mpeg-4 video for iPod / or direct streaming at
A Lumierevideo by bk featuring a view of the cleansed sky as it presented itself right after the heavy come down - captured in Oslo, Norway 2009.07.03 at 11:10pm. Principles; fixed camera, tripod, no audio, no zoom, no effects and going on for exactly 60'' (65'' with credits).
b.k.: lumierevideo 075 for - 65''

Thursday, July 02, 2009

On Moving Illumination and Distracted Outlooks

Video thumbnail. Click to play
click to play in Quicktime / mpeg-4 video for iPod / or direct streaming at
A not too short experimental still-voodle by bk featuring a timeless video painting of one of summers distracted outlooks as it was captured in Oslo, Norway - 2009.07.01. Soundtrack 1 is a mash of Ivan Chew's 'The Hill' and Code's 'Code Plays Shaku', soundtrack 2 'Looking Out Distractedly' by Jaspertine (all ccmixters).
b.k.: video 073 for - 7'55''