Thursday, December 03, 2009

The Golem Diptych Video Painting

Video thumbnail. Click to play
click to play in QuickTime / mpeg-4 video for iPod / or direct streaming at
A short experimental diptych-voodle (aka dooble-voodle) featuring 27473 by two animated frozen frames. The Golem Diptych is a Video Painting once captured as two simultaneously shot long takes in Venice, Italy - 2009.11.06. Every single by two frame is now painted. The true beauty of a Video Painting Diptych resides constantly in its single by two frames. Thus this beauty recedes by the cinematic animation/automation of the video - like a Golem and animated, the moving imagery can never leave the singularity of the frames by two and hence recites the painting and beauty all over again - in each singular painted frame by two. The Golem Diptych is inspired by / and uses the work of Anchor Méjans (The Golem Variations - sawed-off cello sample), Speck (the golem calm heat variations cooling test) and rocavaco (From square till round) - all available and very much audible at
b.k.: video 082 for - 15'17''

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice

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