Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On Star Diving and Space Travels

Video thumbnail. Click to play
click to play in Quicktime / or direct streaming at blip.tv
A short experimental docu-voodle by bk featuring a beautiful young lady at her preparations for a dive into the cold unknown sea of sparkling stars - documented in Risør, South Norway, 2008.07.10, at 10:26 am. This captured incident of beauteous duration may not provide humanity with a great deal of new knowledge, yet it is nevertheless delightful to view - over and over again - and btw; sometimes it takes a great deal of courage and personal strength to dive into 18 degrees Celsius of wet and gloomy Northern Sea (Skagerrak), trying to navigate around the lots of jelly fish with their burning threats...
For those of the viewers curious about star diving and space travels; listen carefully to the very pleasant ambient soundtrack by ccmixter's teru featuring a lecture by Professor Stephen Hawking honouring NASA's 50th anniversary - it might tell you 'what we will find when we go into space'.
b.k.: video 030 for lomeg-rom.blogspot.com - 5'10''



superb framing!
cool... 18 degree dive...
not gloomy at all, but sparkling fresh

LOMEG_ROM said...

thanks sam!
and cool it was, indeed - yet, you would have liked yourself there... let's go for a new try in 2009!


Gurdonark said...

We are all made of stars, the scientists and the singers say, and yet here we watch them, and we swim in them and we find them in megapixels.

A fun video, a thoughtful swimmer, and a great song.