Thursday, July 03, 2008

Lomeglumiere # 020 "stage play"

click to play in Quicktime / or direct streaming at
A Lumierevideo by bk shot very recently and at noon in Oslo, Norway - 2008.07.01. View the Lomeglumiere featuring a liquid space between windows, windows, a stage, a play, nothing staged, and several actors playing (or not). Principles; fixed camera, mounted on a tripod, no audio, no zoom, lots of potential, no effects, and going on for exactly 60'' (65'' with credits).
b.k.: lumierevideo 020 for - 65''



fine footage :-)

LOMEG_ROM said...

yes it is... and it is NOT staged although they know they're getting viewed. I heard a very 'silent play' and stepped out of my studio to see a faculty-members daughter playing with her dog and this rolling device. The floor was newly polished and the daylight reflection/refraction were just brilliant. pure magic...

The start of this single long take can be viewed in the voodle called 'Innocence of Games Played'. You'll see the girls father trying to engage his dog with the cam... the girl too wants to 'animate' the dog... but when 'gurdonark's bell rings' it looks like she's giving it up and at this time the camera zooms further in... and other games and plays are occurring...