Thursday, May 29, 2008

On Outlooks and Chairs

Video thumbnail. Click to play
click to play in Quicktime / or direct streaming at
This entire post is dedicated to Sam Renseiw and his spacetwo : patalab - the main inspiration of LOMEG_ROM : voodles on CONTIGUITY. With lumieres of windows, moi and bk state clearly that there can not be a distinct inside and outside... at least not as long as there are windows involved... only outlooks do excist... and heavy chairs. 'Wir sind soweit... wir sind soweit' remixed excerpt from Taxi's famous 'Campari Soda'. Cowbells excerpt from 's'Glüüt' by SwissCows (True Tone Vol.I).
moi & b.k.: video 013 for - 1'33''
See the Cross-Posted Video patafilm # 600 featuring a Comforter Tree and being the cause for today's celebration of spacetwo : patalab. Go and say hello to Sam Renseiw, the founder of voodles.



thank you so much for your kindness.
what a beautiful piece, indeed!

contiguity: located somewhere between the fisher house, switzerland, and toensberg...

best regards, sam

LOMEG_ROM said...

yes, there are some really fine insights of louis captured in here...
"the proper display to salute number 600 with" says our mutual friend, the window-maker from toensberg, and waves his hat towards you!

b.k. / LOMEG_ROM

LOMEG_ROM said...

btw; could it really be that you missed the weiss house...? just wondering...

b.k. / LOMEG_ROM